About the Church

Church of the resurrected life is based on the principles of theosophy, divine wisdom. 
CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTED LIFE IS dedicated to healing of the earth and humanity by the light of the spirit of resurrection and lord Jesus.

Church of the Resurrected Life was established 10th of March 2009 by a special seremony in the New Avalon Lodge. The 4th of June same year it was registrated officially with the id number 440609-1120 og 8th of October 2009 the Church was recognised by the government as a religious group acting by the law number 108/1999 on registered religious groups. Any one with Icelandic nationality and so wishes can register him/herself within the Church at Þjóðskrá (the national registration). 

Director of the church is Eldey Huld Jónsdóttir, eldey@avalon.is 

The Church of the Resurrected Life is independent. It´s Mother church is the Church of the Resurrected Life in Daylesford, Ástralíu. The founder of the Church of the Resurrected Life is Ananda Tara Shan.

The Church has seremonies once a month in the New Avalon Lodge. 

Motto of the Church of the resurrected life:

When three people gather in My name, I Am there. 

When someone prays sincerely to God, I Am there.

When someone sacrifices something of himself for a good cause, I Am with him.

When someone protects his brother upon the Earth with his speech, with his actions, he is with Me.

So I Am always there for everyone who wishes Me to be.


(from The Living Word of the Hierarchy written by Ananda Tara Shan)

about true church

Ananda Tara Shan about true church

A true church is a focus where spirit and matter meet, a place into and through which the four great streams of power from the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Angelic Kingdom, the Sun, and the centre of the Earth flow. It is the ideal of what we as human beings shall become, when our bodies become the Temple of the Soul.

Upon enering a church we are blessed by these energies, which give healing, upliftment, and guidance so that we may become closer to our soul, our Christ Self, and learn more about how to become that Christ Self. And when we offer ourselves in service within a church, especially when we do so together with a group of people of the same intent, our endeavours are truly multiplied and the blessings given to those in need are made much stronger.

The Theosophist Geoffrey Hodson describes a church as "a magnetic centre, established at a certain point on the surface of the globe, at which special conditions have been created to permit of the free passage of power, life, and consciousness from the spiritual to the material level, and from the material back to hte spiritual" (The Inner Side of Church Worship, The St Alban Press, Sideney; 1975, p.2).